Sixteen-year-old Eon has a dream, and a mission. For years, he's been studying sword-work and magic, toward one end. He and his master hope that he will be chosen as a Dragoneye an apprentice to one of the twelve energy dragons of good fortune.
But Eon has a dangerous secret. He is actually Eona, a sixteen-year-old girl who has been masquerading as a twelve-year-old boy. Females are forbidden to use Dragon Magic; if anyone discovers she has been hiding in plain sight, her death is assured.
My Review
Wow! This book was uh-may-zing! Bravo Alison Goodman, I tip my hat to you.
Here's the Love: Thank the Lord we still have some smart writers out there that aren't putting out the typical YA fluff. This book was not formulaic at all. Goodman weaves an action packed tale that is literally nail biting (for real my nails are gone people). Her character development is flawless and her descriptive writing is beautiful.
Here's the Hate: I hate the cover! Yep, I said it. I think it's a horrible, and most women would see this cover and be totally turned off by it. I'm sure it interested a lot of 13 year old boys though ;) I know there are alternative covers out there that are a better representation of the awesomeness that's within, but this particular one blows.
Anyhoo," I'm all fired up to read the next one...all fired up!"
Just a side note: Since my initial review they have changed the cover art on both Eon and Eona!

Yay! Much better :)
Grade: A
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